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Students are also asked to memorize words that look like cognates but have meanings in the target language that are different from those in the native language. Grammar rules are presented with examples. Exceptions to each rule are also noted. Once students understand a rule, they are asked to apply it to some different examples. Students are given a series of sentences with words missing. They fill in the blanks with new vocabulary items or with items of a particular grammar type, such as prepositions or verbs with different tenses.

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Besides this hypothesis, the authors look deeper into the evaluation of the final product as a result of perceived closeness to input providers and the extent to which the consumer has conformed to peer input. The hypothesis reads that people who conformed to suggested modifications in a greater extent, are more likely to evaluate their final product more favorably when the perceived closeness to the input provider is high. Simply put, the authors wanted to find out if you, after implementing suggested modifications, evaluate the final product configuration more positively when you feel close to the person who provided the feedback and whether you evaluate it more negatively if you feel distant to the provider. The researchers did five different studies inorder to find support for their hypotheses. While not all five studies were aimedat both hypotheses individually, they did in most cases contribute towards support. Consequentially, the authors managed to find significant support for bothhypotheses, which means that holistic thinking people are more likely toconform to public recommendations, whereas analytic people prefer privatecommunication.
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Although the Court in Humphrey's Executor characterized the powers of the Federal Trade Commissioner whose tenure was at issue as "quasi legislative" and "quasi judicial," it is clear that the FTC's power to enforce and give content to the Federal Trade Commission Act's proscription of "unfair" acts and practices and methods of competition is in fact "executive" in the same sense as is the Comptroller's authority under Gramm Rudman Hollings that is, it involves the implementation or the interpretation and application of an Act of Congress. Thus, although the Court in Humphrey's Executor found the use of the labels "quasi legislative" and "quasi judicial" helpful in "distinguishing" its then recent decision in Myers v. United States, 272 U. S. 52 1926, these terms are hardly of any use in limiting the holding of the case; as Justice Jackson pointed out,"he mere retreat to the qualifying 'quasi' is implicit with confession that all recognized classifications have broken down, and 'quasi' is a smooth cover which we draw over our confusion, as we might use a counterpane to conceal a disordered bed. "That the statute provides, to the greatest extent possible, precise guidelines for the officer assigned to carry out the required budget cuts not only indicates that vesting budget cutting authority in an officer independent of the President does not in any sense deprive the President of a significant amount of discretionary authority that should rightfully be vested in him or an officer accountable to him, but also answers the claim that the Act represents an excessive, and hence unlawful, delegation of legislative authority. Because the majority does not address the delegation argument, I shall not discuss it at any length, other than to refer the reader to the District Court's persuasive demonstration that the statute is not void under the nondelegation doctrine. The legislative history indicates that the inclusion of the President in the removal process was a deliberate choice on the part of the Congress that enacted the Budget and Accounting Act. The previous year, legislation establishing the position of Comptroller General and providing for removal by concurrent resolution that is, by a resolution not presented to the President had been vetoed by President Wilson on the ground that granting the sole power of removal to the Congress would be unconstitutional. See 59 Cong. Rec.
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