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In any case, if any state Govt. is not onboard such reforms, things are unlikely to materialize on ground in those states. For example, would an agro business attempt contract farming or setting up their own private mandis, without state government on board?Unlikely. There is a reason agri is primarily a state subject and not a federal one Central Governments rights to pass some of these bills is already being challenged in court. The commission agents Arthiyas who buy produce from farmers at APMCs are locally influential people and often big farmers themselves. Sure, they will move out of APMCs to avoid paying levies which are very high especially in states of Punjab and Haryana at 8. 5% and 6. 5%, respectively as I showed ealier. but everything else from a farmers point of view might continue to be the same. 8. LOSS OF STATE REVENUE, ESPECIALLY TO PUNJAB AND HARYANABased on the current levels of procurement of wheat and rice and also arrival trend in mandis, Punjab stands to loose around Rs 4,000 5,000 crore as mandi revenues as and when transactions move outside the mandis, while in case of Haryana, the loss could be somewhere around Rs 1,000 1,500 crore per year.

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The krar, a bowl lyre with 5 6 strings, is another well known instrument in both Ethiopia and neighboring Eritrea. The krar is also a core member of the cultural band and is an instrument of many variations. The electric krar is now standard fare in many urban settings, as well as the bass krar which sounds much like an electric bass. Playing technique also varies. Alemayehu Fanta featured above emphasizes a plucked playing technique, and this is also the technique discussed by Ethiopian ethnomusicologist Ashenafi Kebede. However, in urban settings, I see players utilizing instead a variety of strumming techniques, muting strings with their fingers in order to obtain a defined melody.
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Alzforum: Alzheimer Research Forumhis is a resource with a technical approach to Alzheimer's Disease. "The web site creates and maintains web based resources for researchers and produces discussion forums to promote debate, speed the dissemination of new ideas, and break down barriers across the numerous disciplines that can contribute to the global effort to cure Alzheimer's disease. This will be added to Healthcare Resources 2004 05 Internet MiniGuide. ProteinDBS Web search utilizing engines such as Yahoo and Google can potentially produce thousands of results in less than a second. University of Missouri Columbia researchers have developed a similar database search engine that will accelerate and improve the process and development of new protein based drugs that combat diseases such as cancer and AIDS. The database is featured in the Sept. 3 edition of Science. The database consists of more than 50,000 3D chains of protein structures. These 3 D structures are critical to understanding the function of proteins in cells and how they interact with drugs. ProteinDBS allows people to enter a protein structure or a Protein Databank ID number and retrieves the most similar database structures that researchers have studied. The ProteinDBS search produces in seconds the 50 proteins that most resemble the search subject and allows for visual and statistical comparisons.
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No common Joe can move the spray wand more accurately, more consistently, and more effectively, than the qualified power washing specialist. Fail to realize the skill of the trade and you may be setting yourself up for unwanted dissatisfaction and costly damage. Finding a Qualified Power Washing Specialist. Educate Yourself. This is the primary defense in protecting yourself from under qualified and poor quality jobs. Once the consumer understands a service and what's involved, they will be well equipped to distinquish cut rate jobs from quality workmanship. Realize the possibility for damage exists, and cut rate performance increases your exposure to costly repairs. Knowing what's involved is your protection. Educate Yourself Family, Friends, and Neighbors. There are several ways of educating yourself. First of which, is to consult your friends, family, and neighbors.
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Consistency and not looking distracting are the main keys aside from being grammatically correct!. For instance, you wouldn't want a list that has four items, but only one item has punctuation. Imagine if you were writing the sentence vertically instead of horizontally. The first letter of each item here would not be capitalized. If a list is a continuation of items in a sentence, try to punctuate it like what you see directly below. This sentence, if we wrote it horizontally, would look something like "As an editor, I like grammar, punctuation, and spelling. " And none of those elements would be capitalized in that case, which is why you would refrain from capitalizing them in a list. Think of this formatting as a "choose your own ending type" deal. In this case, you wouldn't capitalize the first letter of the bulleted points because each one finishes the sentence, and wouldn't have a random capital in the middle of your sentence. So, "You can refuse to celebrate" would be correct, while "You can Refuse to celebrate" would not be. These types of lists are punctuated like this:If the list is a series of complete sentences that follow a colon, try to punctuate it thusly.