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Until recently, these items werealmost universally just importedinto the USA and distributed through almost all the major judaicaimporters. However, since the more recent encouragement to buy things thatare made in Israel, a practice has arisen with a few companieswhereby they import judaica from India and China into Israel, andthen export it out fromIsrael selling it to those who don't know as "From Israel"when in fact it is not Israeli at all. Understandably,there are many many Israeli artists that are upset by this practice,since there are stricter regulations for manufacturing, including the useof children in adult employment. Plus, the quality of workmanship ishigher in Israel, and these artists continue to struggle while theother products dominatethe market. Itmay be that you cannot find what you want that is made in Israel, andof course there is no need to feel that you cannot buy otherproducts, but if it isimportant to you to support Israeli artists and manufacturers, thendon't be afraid to ask WHERE the item you are looking at is actuallymade, and BYWHOM so that you are an informed buyer!Hereare a few reasons to "Buy Made In Israel":1. Although you may pay a little more for genuine "Made in Israel"Judaica, you will get better quality.
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S. Jayanthi, M. A. , M. Phil. , Ph. D. Evil, Sin and Suffering in the Select Novels of Graham Greene . Suma Aleya John, M. A. , M.
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The executive committee chair of each of the classes represent their constituents in affairs pertaining to the whole of the student body. The executive committee secretary shall post on the student website the agenda for each meeting at least 48 hours in advance of the meeting and the minutes of all class meetings shall be available from the secretary upon request of any class member. The secretary shall prepare as necessary any correspondence of the executive committee. In accordance with university and state expenditure guidelines, the executive committee treasurer will supervise the expenditures of the class and in so doing must maintain adequate financial records, which shall be open to inspection by any member of the class upon request to the treasurer. He/she shall disburse funds appropriated by the class as a whole and by the executive committee. Since Southern Illinois University School of Medicine has a separation of classes due to a dual campus system and multiple clinical facilities, the need for interclass communication has been accentuated. It is our sincere hope that this body will not only function to alleviate this problem, but also provide a unified student voice to make our concerns clear to the administration and public at large in an overall effort to enhance our medical education. The name of this organization shall be the Southern Illinois University School of Medicine SIU SM Student Assembly. A. This body shall be composed of the class officers from each respective medical class. These officers will consist of the president, vice president, secretary, treasurer, and two 2 class representatives from each class.
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