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The University Cancer Research Fund isestablished as a special revenue fund in the Office of the President of TheUniversity of North Carolina. Allocations from the fund shall be made in thediscretion of the Cancer Research Fund Committee and shall be used only for thepurpose of cancer research under UNC Hospitals, the Lineberger ComprehensiveCancer Center, or both. S. 105 113. 40Aare appropriated for this purpose. The CancerResearch Fund Committee shall consist of five ex officio members and twoappointed members. The five ex officio members shall consist of the following:i one member shall be the Chancellor of the University of North Carolina atChapel Hill, ii one member shall be the Director of the LinebergerComprehensive Cancer Center, iii one member shall be the Dean of the Schoolof Medicine at The University of North Carolina, iv one member shall be theDean of the School of Pharmacy at The University of North Carolina, and v onemember shall be the Dean of the School of Public Health at The University ofNorth Carolina. The remaining two members shall be appointed by a majority voteof the standing members of the Committee and shall be selected from personsholding a leadership position in a nationally prominent cancer program. If any of the specified positions cease to exist, then thesuccessor position shall be deemed to be substituted in the place of the formerone, and the person holding the successor position shall become an ex officiomember of the Committee. The Committee shall meet at least oncein each quarter and may hold special meetings at any time and place at the callof the chair or upon the written request of at least a majority of its members. 6.
Examination Essay
Snapshot of Elementary School Thai English Teachers' Perceived English Proficiency And Self Reported English Teaching Efficacy . Barbara Best, MA TESOL CandidateIMPACT OF BORROWINGS FROM ENGLISH ONJAFFNA TAMILA Text Book For University Students . Dr. V. SUNTHARESAN, Ph. D. An Exploratory Study into Factors Affecting Achievement inEnglish among Bangladeshi College Students:An Investigation of Teachers and Students Perceptions . Mohammad Mahbubur Rahman, M. A. in TESOLThe Role of Motivation in Teaching and Learning English as a Second Language at the Secondary Level . Mosha.
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