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If a text paragraph includes a number of page references to the same source, consolidate those references in one note, with the note number at the end of the paragraph. Provide a complete citation, including subtitle, city, and publisher, of a book at its first appearance; subsequent citations should be abbreviated authors last name plus a shortened version of the title:1 Gilbert Herdt, Guardians of the Flutes: Idioms of Masculinity New York: McGraw Hill, 1981, 17. 3 Herdt, Guardians of the Flutes, 21 25. Chicago now discourages the use of ibid. see 17th ed. , 14. 34. When references to the same work immediately follow each other, use shortened citations:Page numbers should always be given without an abbreviation such as p. or pp.

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They send their results to a computer in the cloud the network of servers that does an increasing amount of the worlds heavy duty computing to be crunched. The results are passed back to the farms irrigation systema grid of drip tapes hoses with holes punched in them that are filled by pumps. The system resembles the hydroponics used to grow vegetables in greenhouses. Every half hour a carefully calibrated pulse of water based on the clouds calculations, and mixed with an appropriate dose of fertiliser if scheduled, is pushed through the tapes, delivering a precise sprinkling to each tree. The pulses alternate between one side of the tree trunk and the other, which experience has shown encourages water uptake. Before this system was in place, Mr Rogers would have irrigated his farm about once a week. With the new little but often technique, he uses 20% less water than he used to. That both saves money and brings kudos, for California has suffered a four year long drought and there is social and political, as well as financial, pressure to conserve water. Mr Rogerss farm, and similar ones that grow other high value but thirsty crops like pistachios, walnuts and grapes, are at the leading edge of this type of precision agriculture, known as smart farming. But it is not only fruit and nut farmers who benefit from being precise. So called row cropsthe maize and soyabeans that cover much of Americas Midwestare being teched up, too.
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and yeah it's worth being skeptical, most of the ones I found out there were worthless. Raaand, seeing as there's so much discussion around the certification. you know where I'm going with this haha. I'll just drop this little linky here, and will of course remove if you say it's not okay to do so :Daaand, seeing as there's so much discussion around the certification. you know where I'm going with this haha. I'll just drop this little linky here, and will of course remove if you say it's not okay to do so :Daha, don't be so hard on yourself re the score, Google did some pretty surprising and unpredictable stuff, your predictions made good sense for what "should" have happened, still do!Haha, don't be so hard on yourself re the score, Google did some pretty surprising and unpredictable stuff, your predictions made good sense for what "should" have happened, still do!Haha, don't be so hard on yourself re the score, Google did some pretty surprising and unpredictable stuff, your predictions made good sense for what "should" have happened, still do!I wonder if I could hazard a guess on what might have also correlated. does point Six:"Web Design/Development Agencies do a Lot of SEO The third most popular type of respondent was a web design/development agency offering SEO services. In the UK, these types of firms were better represented than either SEO focused providers or broader inbound/organic firms. "Happen to pull down the averages on prices and client size?It's just that and I suspect others from the UK will know what I mean here there are many, many small web des/dev agencies that offer cheap SEO which isn't really even SEO. it's what they "think" is SEO. I come across it loads, tonnes of web agencies not all of course, I know there are plenty this doesn't equate to who really only know some very basic stuff and charge existing clients extra for SEO services that aren't comprehensive and are missing nearly everything.
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Acknowledge the confidential nature of the professional relationship with a client/patient and respect each client/patients right to privacy. Section 7. Respect all ethical health care practitioners and work together amicably to promote health and natural healing. Section 8. Conduct their professional activities with honesty and integrity and project a professional image in all aspects of their practices. Section 9. Individually and through their professional associations, medical naturopaths must take responsibility for assisting in the creation and implementation of mechanisms designed to encourage continuous improvement in the quality of care and the application of quality measures. Section 1. The medical naturopath shall refrain from any behavior that sexualizes, or appears to sexualize, the client/patient/therapist relationship. The medical naturopath recognizes that the intimacy of the therapeutic relationship may activate practitioner and/or client/patient needs and/or desires that weaken objectivity and may lead to sexualizing the therapeutic relationship. In his/her professional role the medical naturopath shall:a refrain from participating in relationship or conduct with the client/patient, whether consensual or otherwise, from the beginning of the client/patient/naturopath relationship and for a minimum of six months after the termination of the client/patient/naturopath relationship;b in the event that the client/patient initiates behavior, clarify the purpose of the therapeutic session, and if such conduct does not cease, terminate or refuse the session;c recognize that activity with client/patients, students, trainees is prohibited even if consensual.
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Two websites completely scraped and merged together. 1Dead article directories removed2Licensing method changed3GSA multi tier project builder added4Niche Database added for all users5Export articles to zip file1GSA output API has been changed. You need 3. 6 to work with it2Tier 1 update now removes links from articles3 4 article websites fixed, 2 added, 3 removed1Added a feature to remove titles not containing keywords2A module has been added to generate uniques from spun articles3Any site scraper and advanced scraper have been tweaked1GSA multi project creator has been added for premium users. 2WAC database has more articles added and re indexed for better searches1 Tier 1 titles removed from MS, Senuke and UD campaign2 A lot of crashing caused by some text fixed for good3 Tier 1 can now have %links% tag and can build multiple articles at once4 Any Site Scraper added as a separate program so that WAC is not disturbed5 Another premium database of over 800,000 articles according to their niches have been added we just bought somebody's database from BHW 6 Free translation for upto 10 languages where you don't need any google, yahoo or bing service. We will provide it for free to premium users. You will find a translation tab in auto build window if you are an upgraded user. 1 We have added a right click find/replace in scraper which will replace any word2 You can now build multiple articles in Tier 1 and select spinning type too. 3 Categories has been manually added to GSA categories section. Now it won't scrape from ezine but it will add from local database. 4 Tier 1 HDD works in a different manner now.