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The two Australians quickly got into the lead withhard opened throttles right from the start. The Americans could not get aroundthe leaders during their sprints along the straights, and the Australians. Withbetter suited machines, held their leads around the bumpy banks. The five thousand spectators saw first Carmody and thenConoulty take the lead. The Americans began to trail behind as the two team matesclashed for the final lap. The crowd screeched hysterically at the neck and neckstruggle Conoulty slammed hard around the throttle for the final bank and tookthe checkered flag two lengths in front of Carmody at 100 mph. Bill Conoulty's average on his 500 cc machine was a record92. 6 class speed which remained unbroken until the track was torn tip. In 1927 he turned to cars. He got an Austin agency andbegan competition racing in 1929. From then on he was known as the Austin Sevenman.

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