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So in that sense, Sesame Street is no longer changing the world as much as trying to keep up with the world's changes. "We need to continuously reinvent or experiment," says CEO Gary Knell, "or else we are going to be dead. "Could that really happencould Big Bird follow Mr. Hooper into the big playground in the sky?Maybe it's wrong to even worry about that. The granddaddy of them all doesn't have to survive for the breed to prosper; if that were true, people would still be driving Edsels. Children's programs are in more places than ever.
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Urban type settlement extends far beyond the traditional boundaries of the city proper in a form of development sometimes described critically as urban sprawl. Decentralization and dispersal of city functions commercial, industrial, residential, cultural, political has transformed the very meaning of the term and has challenged geographers seeking to classify territories according to an urban rural binary. Metropolitan areas include suburbs and exurbs organized around the needs of commuters, and sometimes edge cities characterized by a degree of economic and political independence. In the US these are grouped into metropolitan statistical areas for purposes of demography and marketing. Some cities are now part of a continuous urban landscape called urban agglomeration, conurbation, or megalopolis exemplified by the BosWash corridor of the Northeastern United States. Cities, characterized by population density, symbolic function, and urban planning, have existed for thousands of years. In the conventional view, civilization and the city both followed from the development of agriculture, which enabled production of surplus food, and thus a social division of labour with concomitant social stratification and trade. Early cities often featured granaries, sometimes within a temple. A minority viewpoint considers that cities may have arisen without agriculture, due to alternative means of subsistence fishing, to use as communal seasonal shelters, to their value as bases for defensive and offensive military organization, or to their inherent economic function. Cities played a crucial role in the establishment of political power over an area, and ancient leaders such as Alexander the Great founded and created them with zeal. Jericho and atalhyk, dated to the eighth millennium BC, are among the earliest proto cities known to archaeologists.