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those people, who are striking by wall street for many days so far, have a problem which schould be solved. i think wall street works only for the rich people who compose 5% of the Americans instead the 95% of the rest. wall street has looted money which it makes a big gab between the aristocrat class and the middle class. i support those people to keep protesting and do not give up till they take their rights because when the law makers decide to increase taxes on the middle class they dont mind and even they got beatten if they do mind. on the contrary if the rich people in this position they refuse right away and they send cops to crackdown people which is not fair. rich people must pay for the poor ones because they do have surplus of money, while the poor struggle just to survive and pay the bills. Since 1969, Sesame Street has been a part of our lives in the U. S. and around the world. We watched it as children, and were now watching it with our children and even grandchildren. Weve seen our lives reflected on the street and through the compassion of the loveable Sesame Street Muppets.