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Minimum entry requirements for specific programmes are outlined below;Candidates applying these programmes should have a Bachelor Degree in Theology, with an average grade of at least 55 % or Postgraduate Diploma in Theology or its equivalent from an accredited institution of Higher Education. Those from a non theological undergraduate degrees, including those with a Bachelor of Education, with Theology and Religious Studies TRS as major, will be required to take specific courses in order to attain admission to these programmes, as directed. Programme delivery: All cademic programmes comprise assessable components, based on a combination of courses and research. Coursework and Research is one in which more than one third of the total academic programmes are assessed based on performance in taught courses. Research programme is one in which more than two thirds of the requirements are assessed based on research related performance. The Masters by Coursework and Research will be done in two years, with one year dedicated to coursework on the campus, while the second year to research.
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Dr. S. Jayanthi, M. A. , M. Phil. , Ph. D. Images of Women in R. K. C.
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Oils should get?How that they must use their?Here is an overview of five popular aromatherapy and average oil you use them. This will help you integrate of natural essential oils in global health lifestyle for you and your family. The idea here is to use essential oils way beyond their aromas really begin to exploit their true values of medicines. Lavender essential oil is the most widely used oil for several reasons. He works his magic aromatically, when they are ground applied and even when ingested in very small quantities not something to do with most oils. Generally, it can be considered as of soothing number oil aromatherapy. Its aroma reduces stress markers in research laboratory, and when applied ground there was a slight anesthetic effect. It has been published recently that a capsule containing approximately 2 drops of oil, when consume daily was as effective as drugs benzodiazepine reduce the mild to moderate anxiety . the has also ketones regenerative helps to heal skin and its main constituent is "Linalool", which was recently discovered to have anti cancer activity. You can use lavender to get a good night sleep, and is an excellent way to help your children to do the same. Nothing, you can obtain the clearest indication of aroma in the air will do put a few drops on the leaves on the wrists, or if it is too strong a perfume, even on your feet will work.
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Cities depend as much on vertical spaceabove and below the groundas on their land area. City skylines are the panoramic scenes created by rows of the tallest buildings and highest placed monuments, and these high structures often become symbols of the city itself. Some of the more famous examples are Paris Eiffel Tower and Rio de Janeiros statue of Christ atop Mount Corcovado. While tall monuments and skylines may be world famous, their underground counterparts are also vital to cities. Beneath nearly all the streets of most CBDs is a maze of sewers, old freight or maintenance tunnels, communication lines, and subways, which crisscross spaces between the basements of office buildings and department stores. Some cities also have stacked levels of streets, the result of building an almost solid layer of streets, sidewalks, and parking spaces a full story above the original street level. An example is Chicagos Wacker Drive, which has both upper and lower levels open to traffic. Other cities, such as Montreal, have belowground pedestrian streets that are thriving commercial centers, particularly during winter months. Cities since the 1940s have been rapidly spreading outward and engulfing forests, river valleys, and croplands. Urban sprawl has occurred around the worldin eastern China, the capital cities of Latin America, Egypts Nile River valley, western Europe, Japan, and particularly the United States, where suburban growth has outpaced that of the central cities. The term suburb comes from a Latin word meaning at the foot of the city, from a time when a properly defensible city was built on a hill and any spillover of population had to live at the base of the hill.