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Athletic directors and other U of M officials were aware of Andersons sexually inappropriate behavior throughout all the years Anderson was employed by U of M. Anderson also used his position to make athletic physicals performed by him mandatory. According to reports, he collaborated with athletic director Don Canham in 1968 on a flight home from a U of M football game on how to get more athletes into health services. In a memo sent to Canham recapping the conversation, Anderson told Canham that he had attempted to make preseason physical exams compulsory for all athletes, and he singled out the wrestling team as needing to be told that more athletes must be seen at student health services. According to numerous reports and information obtained by Detective Mark West, exams by Anderson were, in fact, viewed by U of M athletes as being mandatory, and these reports include athletes from 1968 2003. According to FOIA documents that include investigations by Detective West, Andersons inappropriate behavior with patients including student patients was widely known and even joked about by U of M officials, right from the beginning of his tenure with U of M, which began in 1967/1968. A U of M gymnast, Ward Black, has recently come forward, claiming that he was sexually assaulted 4 times by Anderson, starting in 1969, during annual physicals and treatment for toe and ankle injuries, and that he asked his coach what was up with the exams, but his coach made motions to change the subject. Black reported that nobody wanted Anderson to look at them, but that the student athletes had no choice since Anderson was the athletic department team doctor. Black also opined to reporters that his coach and others didnt rock the boat regarding what they knew of Anderson because the athletic director at the time, Don Canham, was feared like crazy. Indeed, according to reports, almost all the athletic directors at U of M from the late 1960s until 2003, when Anderson retired, were aware of Andersons inappropriate and genitalia exams of students, but never took any steps towards stopping this behavior or even having Anderson investigated. According to U of M records, there was zero interruption in Andersons tenure with U of M from 1967/1968 2003.

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Les croisements avec les populations austronsiennes environnantes ont galement brouill la signature gntique de ces populations. partir du Sunda, des migrations se sont produites travers la Wallacea au cours du Plistocne suprieur, quand le niveau de la mer tait bien plus bas qu'aujourd'hui. Des pisodes rpts de glaciation durant le plistocne se sont en effet traduits par des abaissements du niveau de la mer de 100 150 mtres par rapport au niveau actuel. Entre 70 000 et 50 000 ans, la premire implantation se produit dans le Sahul Nouvelle Guine et Australie,. Une analyse gntique de 2007 a conclu que le peuplement de l'Australie et de la Papouasie Nouvelle Guine par les humains modernes a t effectu par un seul groupe de personnes qui sont restes dans un isolement substantiel ou total jusqu' une poque rcente. La constatation carterait les hypothses sur des vagues de migration ultrieures . Les aborignes d'Australie et les habitants de la Papouasie Nouvelle Guine seraient les descendants d'une unique population fondatrice . On pense que les hommes ont navigu entre la Wallacea et le Sahul, puis se sont diffuss travers le continent. Le peuplement du Sahul est d'ailleurs aujourd'hui la plus ancienne preuve d'une navigation en haute mer. Un peuplement d'le bien plus ancien est certes connu vers l'le de Flors mais sur une distance maritime bien plus rduite. Pour atteindre Flors, le dtroit le plus large en fonction du niveau de la mer de l'poque tait en effet de 19 km seulement, donc toujours en contact visuel avec une cte.